Friday, May 30, 2008


Hey guys if you were at summit, I miss you all. I would like to holla at my boy Sammy , Regan, Rachel, and last but not lest, my boy Mark. Well, to the rest of ya, I may see you later on in life. and best of luck and no matter whay I am with you for as long as you want me to be. Have a great summer y'all!

Friday, May 23, 2008


The Strength Inside Of Me

This is who I am.
I represent where I’m from.
I do what I can,
I know I will overcome.
No one will bring me down.
I will rise above the rest.
I’m here to make my sound,
Stand and spit in the face of this test.
I’m stronger than what they believe.
I know my potential and what I’m capable of.
I’ll use what I’ve been given for good.
I will use it to save the people I love.
Those who have judged will see their mistake as they should.
I know who I am.
I will stay strong.



I think that to be loyal you have to stick by that person and help them out whenever they need your help. I am loyal to my trustworthy friends, family, and religion. I think that there are some reasons that you should stop being loyal like if the person(s) do something, some people would call, unforgivable. But of course mistake are going to be made but when they are supposedly unforgivable it is a lot harder to stay loyal.

Every Person

Every person is part of something bigger. Although we feel as if everything is about us. When it comes down to it we are just blind to everything we can’t see in front of us. When we think we are only part of something small that restricts us to only helping ourselves or limited people around us. What we have to do is take in everything around us and realize the beauty of the world.


Hate Others


Well I’m so sick of people trying to get me to hate others. I think it is so stupid and very childish. If I could dream anything away it would be my self not for the fact that I’m not cool but for the fact that I wouldn’t have to be here when the world destroys its self with its selfishness and pettiness. Its stupid how one persons words can be twisted into something heinous and totally wrong. If I could dream of better people I would but then who would dream me up.


Hurt Really Bad

I was once hurt really bad,
Almost turn in two.
Now I hurt others through anger and being sad,
I’m getting help to end the cycle and make it through.
I’m now as glad as if a fad,
The pain lays down and put the beast to bed.
My head is clear and thoughts have gone,
Time to start my life again.


To be trustworthy to your friends & when you give your word you keep it. Also that you stay with your side threw thick & thin.

I’m loyal to my family, because what ever they do I love them same with friends.

Betrayal is never necessary it’s like snitching to me. I think this is a bad idea because loyalty is important to me & that violates that.

BY, Jeremy

Einstein Quote

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
-Albert Einstein

What this quote means to me is that as humans we are very conceited, all humans know is what they have experience for themselves and looking for the bigger picture. That we as humans all we can think about what is what wee have and what we can do, all the things we do can affect those around us because it what we want and as part of being conceited we are also jealous of those around us and if we do not have that attention we get upset, and visa versa. We need to learn how to accept others around us an d learn from their experiences because we can if we listen be preventing ourselves from dying if we do something we don’t know about but they did.


Friday, May 9, 2008


Journal entry

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”

- Norman Cousins
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; of a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

To me this means that you should grab a hold of life and make the most of it, yes, there is a bad side to life, but you should go out and make the best of it. You only have one life so let it all hang out and go for what you want, if you don’t you might regret it later, and that will be more devastating than losing a loved one. Because the only one you are hurting is you.
I think that there are bad people in the world, but that does not mean that the whole human race is, it just means that we are not perfect.
So as far as these quotes go, I do believe them

The Change of Fall

The Change of Fall

The beauty of Fall is an amazing view.
Leaves of gold, skies grey and hazy blue.
Colors changing, growing old, but looking new.
Every day to offer a new hue.

Childhood memories come back to my mind,
Every year at this time.

The smell in the air says football to all.
Everyone knows that beautiful smell of Fall.
Hard hits and big plays.
The things that makes all the fans stay.

Ask the question, what does it mean to you?
It will bring out emotions pure and true

For Rosa

For Rosa,
Rosa Parks started a revolution,
It was as if an evolution.
They started a boycott just for her,
She was a leader and a teacher.
They marched with a zero,
Who is now a hero.
Martin Luther king jr.



I think that everything happens for a reason even though it may be unfair.
I have lost a lot of loved ones and a lot of friends. Change is all around us though we don’t like it because it doesn’t always go our way or because it’s hard. I have seen a lot of good change and bad change at the same time. I wish that I could go back not to change anything but to remind myself of family, to follow morals and beliefs, and stuff like that. Do you wish you could change your past? Why?

Faith in Humanity

Faith in humanity
By Ashley

“ You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

The world is full of war with outbreaks of Peace, not a world full of peace with out brakes of war. Throughout the ages we have we have had many disasters and people have followed lead. So this quote could be true if we as people are willing to step up, be a leader, stop going with the flow, and jumping when people say jump.
Also this would work if all people could learn how to work together, instead of always fighting for who the best.

In the End

In the end
By me ( Courtney)

I fear what I never had
I cry when I have no tears
Alone is how I feel each day
When life is all I despise
And cold is all I feel
It’s hard to wake up to sleep again
Dreams where I finally feel free
With my heart smashed and hurting
I wonder why I live
Rain seems to be my friend
Snow is my protector
With all my thoughts
I am alone with pain
With only hope of it ending
I live to see another day
In the end the pain may be great
But meeting you has changed my life

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Holocaust

The Holocaust

People think they have it bad now,
So they have a huge cow.
Back then they were killed and injured,
The threats made them scared.
The Nazis killed children and those who couldn’t work,
They now worry about something as small as a fork.
The camps are stupid and very dumb,
The Nazis sit with thumbs up their bums.
So if you think you have it bad now,
Think of back then and then have your cow.
By: james

To Be Human

To be human

To be human is to be above and be on all species
And knowing it , learning from former mistakes
And fighting To be the highest on any chain mountain or bar
Higher on the evolutionary intelligence rate then any being
Human is to be as a mass explostion on earth of allied virus’s
Swiping the globe as a controlling, critical thinking,
Power hungry, virus being human is difficult, yes.
Surviving on the other hand may be a little more interesting
For as many have said before nature is survival of the fittest
And as human we are the fittest surviving virus left
And now to be human is to be the overall virus in absolute power
We are human and to be such should act as such to be human is to be free


Being Human

Being Human

Being human is being part of the species of the world we all live on.
We are lucky to be able to communicate so much, and in so many different ways.
The major thing that pulls human life down and that pulls the original families of the world apart is Adversity.
Imagine a world with all your rules, everyone follows and is just how you want.
That is how Hitler thought.
Well Being a human is hard, difficult and not often rewarding.
But hey, It beats the heck out of being a cat.


Being Human

“ Being human is itself difficult.”
Jane Jacobs

Human to me means that you can show empathy and sympathy to people that need it. You can govern your self with laws the spoken and the unspoken. You also won’t let yourself be changed; just because you aren’t accepted by society doesn’t mean you aren’t human.
Inhuman are thoughts people who brake the rules to the full extent they are so far go from the human world that they have lost tract of what’s right or wrong. They are malicious like a serial killer for example the kill and kill then they lose touch with reality they are so far gone that they can never rejoin society. I am not saying anyone that brakes a law is inhuman, they still know the difference between right or wrong and they can make amends, but repeated action that you keep on doing something the rope that is hanging on to your sense or reality is tinning to a piece or thread that if you don’t come to your senses sooner then later you will be sucked into the dark abbess of being in human
Being human is difficult because it is hard sometime to govern yourself under the rules we need to live by and at one point or another we all find ourselves slipping on that deep rope, but all it takes is keeping our minds strong then we shall be able to get up that rope again, even through on a piece of thread have done it, it is hard and take time but you can survive and make it back up that rope


Clear Creek

Clear Creek
By Courtney

I loved clear creek because it was an experience that will last me a lifetime. It was hard for me to leave because I felt so at peace with myself and the others around me. I made new friends and earned a deeper relationship with the friends I already had. The one thing I will always remember about Clear Creek is how we all came together and became one great big family. We didn’t care for just ourselves but for the entire group.